
things aren't always as they seem

Courteous Bus Drivers

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I recently watched a TED talk by Neil Pasricha The 3 A’s of Awesome. Neil is the man who created the 1,000 Awesome Things blog. In his blog, his book and his TED Talk, he talks about the little things in life that are positive and easy to find.

How true, I thought. So some of my blog entries are going to mirror that sentiment: there are good things in life to appreciate, everywhere, every day.

My first appreciation item is bus drivers who are courteous. One day I was in my SUV sitting at a red light waiting for a chance to turn right on red. A tour bus pulled up in the lane next to me. And you know how it is, when someone in the next lane pulls up far enough to block your view and then you can’t even think about turning right on red because if you pulled up anymore to try to see the oncoming traffic you’d be (dangerously) way out in the intersection?

That didn’t happen.

This bus driver stopped far enough back that I had a clear view of traffic from where I was already sitting. Nice, very nice. I noted the bus number and company name and went to the company’s web site. I gave them the information to identify the bus and I told them how much I appreciated that bus driver’s courtesy.

And I still appreciate it. Thank you, courteous bus drivers.

Postaday2011 #23

Author: Tresha Barger

Writer (blogs, humor, short stories, poetry) and artist (miniature art quilts, watercolor paintings, soft sculpture dolls)

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